Valikko Sulje

Preliminary Entry Time ended

The preliminary entry time for both ERABSF European benchrest Championship and WRABF World Cup and AETSM European Silhouette Championship and World Cup has ended. Statistics of both discipline group has been forwarded to international federations for approval. There were 750 entries in benchrest and 578 in silhouette – great! Hopefully we will get feedback from international federations in the next week.

The next phase is the final entry (entry-by-names) which will last until 31.3.2025 in benchrest and 30.4.2025 in silhouette according quotas approved.

Beside entry-by-name preparations the LOC will open soon the application time for more quotas in both discipline groups. In benchrest there maybe lot of quotas unused in all disciplines, especially in airrifle unlimited (ARU) and rimfire international sporter (RFIS). In silhouette we can have more athletes in all classes. The application for more quotas will happen in the same procedure as preliminary entries.

After deadline for final entries the LOC may open the rest quotas for free applications.