Individual Invitation Letters
The process for preliminray entries is nicely on the way and both shooting championships has got entries so far. It is 16 benchrest countries and 2 for silhouette. The deadline for preliminary entries is 31.1.2025 after which the quotas for member federations are delivered. You can find the preliminary entry Google Form here for BENCHREST and SILHOUETTE.
Quotas will be announced in these webpages and also posted to contact persons who has been announced in the preliminary entry Google form.
After quotas are delivered, the final entry time starts ending 31.3.2025. The LOC will publish an Excel file by which all the final enties (entries by names) will be accepted. Parallel to this there may be athletes of some countries who need special individual invitation from the organiser in order to get a visa to Finland. In most cases the need for visa is however proved by the official competition invitation (invitation + guide). Further information about applying a visa to Finland can be found here.
In case you need a special invitation, fill up the Google form for this purpose. Link to the Google Form:
Take care that your travelling documents are valid during your stay in Finland.