Valikko Sulje

Firearm transiting through Sweden

If you are travelling with firearms through Sweden to Finland you should notify the specific legistlation in Sweden.

All people, except some Nordic citizen, need to apply a permit for transit from Sweden police authorities. The application is done by firearm holder, so the Finnish local organising committee is out of the process.

For transit firearms through Sweden to Finland you have to apply for transit permission. Then you need to prepare/have before entering Sweden:

1. A Swedish police form for temporary import/transit:—transit-of-weapons—553.18_acroform.pdf

2. a scanned copy of European firearm pass (EU citizens)

3. A scanned copy of relevant documents proving the purpose of the journey through Sweden and the transit with weapons, i.e the invitation letter (invitation and guide)  which can be found in:

4. Your personal travel document (passport or EU ID-card)

    When you are entering or exiting Sweden you have a duty to report your weapon at the border crossing to the Swedish Customs Service. Furthermore, when you have arrived in Sweden you can visit any Police station if you want your temporary import permit to be registered in your European Firearms Pass. Bring your import permit, identification card and European Firearms Pass.

    Further information in Swedish webpages


    If you are a resident of Norway, Finland or Denmark and have a permanent weapons permit (weapons license), you do not need to apply for a permit for transit if you are traveling via Sweden to Denmark, Finland or Norway for the purpose of occasional hunting or competition in any of these countries. It is sufficient that you file a firearms declaration via the Internet at Swedish Customs when entering and exiting Sweden. You always have to bring your weapons license from your home country or a European firearms pass.

    For entering Finland with firearms follow the instructions here: