Valikko Sulje


Update 8.11.2024: Preliminary entry links.

This general information is based on the info letter sent to international federations (IF) and member federation (MF) early 2024. All info is subject to change. The next update will be done in February 2025 when preliminary entries has sent to the LOC.

Silhouette preliminary entry form. Fill-up not later than January 31st, 2025. Standing preliminary entry statistic can be found here. Study the entry/registration system here

Silhouette events will be organised in the 100 metre (totally 40 lanes), 300 metre (40 lanes) and 600 metre (20 lanes) with IMSSU accepted targets. A sufficient number of wind flags will be provided in the range.

Silhouette competitions will take place simultaneously in all specified ranges according to the number of competitors. The LOC is planning that the silhouette shooting may happen on 100 m (small bore firearms and air rifles and air pistols), 300 m (big bore pistols) and 600 m (big bore rifle) ranges. Furthermore it may be so that rifle events mostly will take place in the end of the competition period. The daily program starts at 09:00 o’clock. A draft schedule is presented later on this weppage.

Tie-breakings will be managed according to the General Technical Rules (2017). Shoot-offs will only be organised for ranks 1, 2 and 3 in individual categories (events) to govern the championships schedule (and help the streaming of the events). In shoot-offs targets of a mixed size composition will be used. For other ties, aggregates and teams, the reverse animal count will be used.